E-Signature Security

Secure electronic signatures limit your exposure to fraud, error, and loss compared to the traditional paper and ink method. Learn how we keep your signatures safe.


eSignature for Enterprise




Signing Session Activity Audit log

All signing session activity is tracked and updated in the activity log. Tracked information includes session creation, documents uploaded, signers added, invites sent, session viewing, session signing, sequential invites sent, finalized copies sent. The activity log is accessible for all your signing sessions at any time.


Password Protected Signing Sessions

You have the option to password protect each signing session, adding another layer of security. While each signing session invitation email contains a secure link to the session and all activity is tracked, you may want to further protect the signing session by adding a required password. You’ll then call your client and verbally tell them the password. This is often referred to as “double opt-in”.

Physical Security

All files housed in eSignature are stored in a state-of-the-art secure data center. The servers can only be accessed from within our network at our secure collocation facility. Our network is protected by multiple layers of firewalls and filters, redundant hardware, power and internet connectivity.

Our collocation facility in Southern California meets or exceeds legal and industry standards for security. Security measures include biometric door locks, alarm system, 24×7 security monitoring, and closed-circuit cameras.

Company backup policy mandates that frequently changing data, such as database devices, are fully backed up nightly and transferred to an off-site location. Static data, which does not change frequently, is fully backed up weekly and also stored offsite.

Company retains backups for three months. Backups are destroyed after this three-month period.