Nationwide listing and property data
Data is the backbone of your business. It empowers you to make better business decisions, bring new products and services to market, support R&D, and serve your customers better.
When it comes to national property listing data, not just any data will do. Nor will just any real estate data provider.

MLS integrations

Real estate listings

US listing coverage

Canadian listing coverage

Best-in-class data delivery
We’re experts at aggregating, normalizing and transforming data to support even the broadest of uses cases.
- Serverless architecture
- Real-time updates available in seconds
- Compliant with RESO transport protocols and RESO Data Dictionary
- High quality listing images at lightning-fast speeds
Unbeatable listing data coverage
Considering expansion? We’ve got you covered.
With 100% coverage in the US and 90% in Canada, Constellation1 can expedite your expansion in a fraction of the time.

Do more. Build faster. Spend less.
- Complete compliance management
- Real-time, normalized listing and property data
- Cloud-based architecture for fast, scalable, reliable data pipelines
- The broadest coverage of any leading data provider

Normalized to the latest RESO Standards
We’ve worked with RESO to lead aggregation standards so your teams can focus on building great projects

Expertise to guide you through every step of the data integration process

Industry-Leading Data Aggregation

MLS Agreement and Compliance Management

Instant Efficiencies
and Savings
Pair our data with proprietary analytics for even greater insights.
Turn your business into a powerful, data-driven enterprise with Constellation1 Data Services.